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Work Life Balance


Work life balance is the state of equilibrium in which demands of personal life, professional life, and family life are equal. Do you know that a high 46% of the workforce in India suffers from some or other forms of stress? The reasons or causes of the stress are underestimated. Not being able to manage between work and personal life is a major cause of stress. Many people struggle finding time to complete the work within deadline and they totally forget to take care of their health and loved ones

There are many other factors which we think trivial also leads to imbalance in work and life and that is the amount of time we take to commute to work especially in Metro cities where the time taken to reach office is much longer than the time spent in your home. A report from India@Work shows that 585 Gen-Y Professionals from varied sector showed that 90% employees feel that a flexible work environment is important. It also showed that performance pressure and fear of losing job are the major reasons for extensive stress in workplace.

It is also evident that when employees have quality time with their family to free up their mind are more productive than those who are not. Moreover a flexible work environment and giving autonomy also increases the productivity, so the organizations have to make changes in their policies regarding the work timings and give importance to employee’s personal space.

Western Countries like Canada, Germany, France and Denmark they have strict policies towards work life balance, like in France, a right to disconnect themselves from wok related messages or emails after working hours and in Demark the working day is no more than 6.6 hours long and both the parents are entitles to 23 weeks of maternity or paternity leave.

Women also becomes more vulnerable when it comes to work life balance, because most working women struggle with a burden of performing at the workplace while taking utmost care of the children, family and household with little help from anyone else, this creates a huge roadblock in the way of achieving work-life balance.

The companies have adapted to certain policies by which the family feels strong, for Ex: Flexible work timing, Parental/Family Leave. Second is benefits that help the family secure by providing health insurance, family coverage or accidental coverage. And third is services, the employee wellness is companies priority wherein they have doctors to talk about their personal issues or depression or any mental health issues. Balanced employees tend to feel more motivated and less stressed out at work, which thereby boosts the organizational productivity and strengthens a sustainable workforce. Organizations that guard the Work-life Balance of employees, has now become a more winning choice for employee.

Monetary benefits are the motivational portion for most of the employees and then follow up with appreciation and awards. To have a balance in life and at work, we should prioritize our commitment and then focus on the level of movements required to achieve the completion.

A good work-life balance is very important in our life. Working is necessary and hardworking is surely not bad, but we need to find the right balance to keep our body healthy. Some rest is always necessary and that is something that the so called “workaholics” many times forget including me.

We must focus on prioritizing and setting goals for ourselves and create an action plan that will help us organize our life at work and in the home. Follow your Work Life Balance guide to get yourself focused, and to create a plan that will help you to reduce stress.

Setting healthy boundaries is essential for a healthy work life balance. It is important to get a handle on mood swings or energy shifts if we want to maintain our work life balance and be successful in business. A good work-life balance is very important in our life. Work life imbalance leads to Stress: Happiness on your work is very important but when you come home you need to put all the sorrows and problems of your work away. A stressful job can lead to unhappiness that seeps into your leisure life and leads to bad health.

Giving some time to yourself in a day can make you feel better like practicing Yoga, exercise, meditating or even reading a book. Once you know how to prioritize and plan your work everything will become a lot easier than it was before

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Written By: Sindhu Venkatesh, Monica Sharma, Pranshu Singh

Industry: Information Technology

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