Evenarena | 5 Ways to Develop Your Career Growth

Career Growth


“Career growth" or "Job advancement" usually means a change from present position to a job level which has more duties and that receives more compensation. It becomes inevitable for a person to advance in his/her career. It is also one of the major driving factors for everyone to keep themselves motivated. There are various methods to advance in your career.

One is setting short-term and long-term goals, by listing out the things which you wanted to achieve in a year or maybe 5 years. By doing this you become more focused and motivated in your every day work. It will also help you organize and plan your work schedule. So be proactive

Second is gaining knowledge or enhancing your skill relevant to your work, by doing certification courses, attending workshops, trainings, or classes this will help you upgrade your skill and be on top of the industry.

Thirdly improve your Emotional Intelligence (EQ), in today’s world people with high EQ outperform the one with high IQ because people with high EQ can easily understand the people’s emotion while unidentified emotions become misinterpreted leading to irrational decisions and ineffective actions. So, start working on your EQ.

Fourthly find new challenges in your current position, if you are able to identify your faults and mistakes that you make will help you keep your job interesting and fulfilling. So this personal development goal will show your commitment and ambition towards work.

And finally the Fifth is growing your network, developing a strong professional network can help you leverage in your career in ways that you would not be able to do alone. It will also help you be on top of the potential opportunities available in the market and the best social platform is LinkedIn. So start developing your connections in LinkedIn.

These are a few ways in which you can advance in your career, once you start having a Growth mindset and start loving what you are doing then everything will start falling to your place, you will always keep achieving your targets, company will give you good promotion and compensation as they will be happy with your work. I will personally recommend the habit of reading books regularly as they will keep you on top on your priorities and be motivated all the time.

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Written By: Sindhu Venkadesh

Industry: Information Technology

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